A Brief History of Beer
Wish Experience
Drink-a-long through time in the Quantum Pint Machine! A sci-fi sketch comedy based on the life and times of the humble beer. Stagebuddy NYC says it’s “the ultimate tribute to Homer Simpson’s favorite drink”, and InDaily Adelaide says it’s “an opportunity to learn, to be amazed, and to imbibe!” wishexperience.com
About the artist/company
Wish Experience was founded by Will Glenn & Trish Parry in London in 2011, at the Battersea Arts Centre. The companies first fringe show was The Awesome Show, which toured the UK in 2012. Since then, the duo has performed at festivals all over the world, and love fringe so much they co-founded the Tampa Fringe in 2016.
Director: Jeffrey Mayhew
Creators/performers: Will Glenn & Trish Parry
Victoria Event Centre (Fringe Venue 1)
1415 Broad Street,
Victoria, BC V8W 2B2
Phone: (250) 383-2663