Are We Clear
Bridget Roberts & Jasmine Li
It’s not as simple as you see. The red jelly bean isn’t always strawberry. The green one isn’t always apple. The people you see everyday have different stories than yours. Are We Clear? is a devised piece created by UVic theatre students striving to uncover the world of invisible disabilities. The Victoria community has been integral in our devising process, sharing their experiences with us. When you see someone constantly misspelling a word, do you think she’s dumb? Or do you consider that she might have dyslexia? How about when a young man takes the priority seat on a bus, do you see him as disrespectful? Or could he have chronic pain? These are just a couple of examples you could see on a daily basis. Come together with us to reevaluate what it is to be “normal”.
Tickets by donation at the door. Cash only.
Creative Team: Leah Hiscock & Rachel Levy
Devised by: Sivert Das, Lauren Frost, Devon Goldie, Mackenzie Monroe, Arlo Olsen, Landon Wong
Intrepid Theatre Club
2-1609 Blanshard Street,
Victoria, BC V8W 2J5
Phone: (250) 383-2663