Disney’s Camp Rock
St. Michaels University School Music Theatre Intensive
Have you “got what it takes” to join the jam? In the spirit of the summer camp theme of this year’s Victoria Fringe Festival, come take in CAMP ROCK, a “too cool” for school offering by the long-running St Michaels University School Music Theatre Intensive. Performed by over twenty local teens (and based on the hit 2008 Disney film), this show features upbeat songs to accompany the usual favourite camp fare, from food fights to talent nights. Jams of all sorts fill this show with fervent fun and raucous spirit. Don’t miss it! 4 shows only: August 25 through 27 at 7 pm with added matinée at 2 pm Aug 27. Tickets are $9 / $11 and running time is 90 mins. Wheelchair accessible. Ample parking. http://www.smus.ca
St. Michaels University School (Fringe Site A)
3400 Richmond Road,
Phone: (250) 383-2663