The Gift

Surrounded by Owls Productions
The Gift
  • Dates: Apr 15, 2016 - Apr 16, 2016
  • Location: Metro Studio Theatre
  • Created: John Aitken & Gail Noonan
  • Advance price: $20 adults, $18 students & seniors
  • Door price: $20 adults, $18 students & seniors
  • Duration: 50 minutes
  • Rating: Mature Content
  • Genre: Physical Theatre, Drama
  • Country: Mayne Island


Show dates and times coming soon.


“Hello, my name is John Aitken. I did not speak until I was seventeen years old.”


“When I think about that boy that did not speak, and that young man that did not speak; I honestly have a hard time understanding how he did it. How he survived each day and each night. At age 47, I am a totally different person. I have been speaking now for 30 years, which is very odd when I stop and think about it.  Performing and writing this piece has helped me heal in a very positive way which was ironically, unforeseen. “

Johnny tells the story of how he came to find his voice, through movement, mask, drum, dance and humour.  A powerful tale of overcoming fears.


The Gift in the news:

CBC Radio
North Shore News


Show dates and times coming soon.



Metro Studio Theatre
1411 Quadra Street,
Victoria, BC
Phone: (250) 383-2663

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Intrepid Theatre is located on the lands of the Lekwungen People, now known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. We give our thanks and respect to the stewards of these lands, and to elders, past, present and future.