Brendan McLeod
Intrepid Presents
  • Dates: Oct 19, 2023
  • Location: Metro Studio Theatre
  • Created: Brendan McLeod
  • Advance price: Earlybird $20; Regular $25; limited number of Pay-What-You-Ten $10 tickets
  • Door price: Regular $25; limited number of Pay-What-You-Ten $10 tickets
  • Duration: 75 mins
  • Rating: PG14+
  • Genre: Musin, monologue, storytelling
  • Country: Vancouver, BC


07:30 pm


RIDGE is part of Intrepid Theatre’s Fall Series. $20 Military discount tickets available for this event – contact tickets@intrepidtheatre.com for the required promo code.

This show is simply brilliant.” – CBC

A visceral music storytelling show centred around the Battle of Vimy that probes difficult yet necessary questions about how and why we grieve. RIDGE is a monologue with music from Brendan McLeod, who audiences might remember from his hit solo show Brain.

Often called the “battle that made Canada,” Vimy Ridge resulted in over 10,000 Canadian casualties. Through direct storytelling, verbatim theatre, and live music, Brendan examines misconceptions and varying perspectives around the battle, while drawing parallels to other formative events in our nation’s past. Featuring inventive musical interpretations of WWI soldier songs – which were recognized with the 2022 JUNO nomination for Best Traditional Roots Album – Ridge is a vivid, kinetic ride through history, as well as an intimate, personal examination of our connection to the past that passionately argues against the exploitation of young lives.

“Serves to give the sacrifices of those who served and died a human dimension beyond mythology.” – Vancouver Sun

About the artist:: Brendan McLeod is a writer, theatre creator, and musician. He’s the author of a poetry collection, Friends Without Bodies, a novel, The Convictions of Leonard McKinley, and five theatre shows, including Ridge, his award-winning musical on the Battle fo Vimy, and Brain, his comedic monologue on consciousness. His music group The Fugitives has been nominated for a JUNO, as well as multiple Canadian Folk Music and Western Canada Music Awards, including Best Roots Group, Best Songwriter, and Best Vocal Group. He was the Poet of Honour at the 2012 Canadian Festival of Spoken Word and the 2015 Victoria Spoken Word Festival. He’s taught spoken word at Langara College, and is an active arts educator, currently touring his shows “Brain” to secondary schools and “Holy Guacamole, It’s a Poetry Show!” to primary schools.

Accessibility:: Please indicate any accessibility needs, including wheelchair accessible seating or if you require seating with no stairs, in the provided field. We will do our best to assign seating that works for you and get in touch if we have any questions. A Visual Guide for The Metro Studio has been created, and is current as of August 2023. View it here.

Arrival at the venue:: The doors will open  30 minutes ahead of showtime.  Masks are strongly encouraged inside the theatre.

Refunds:: If you are not feeling well or have any symptoms, please stay home to help keep everyone safe. We are able to discuss refunds on a case by case basis due to health reasons before the performance. Please contact tickets@intrepidtheatre.com. We are unable to arrange refunds after a performance has occurred.


07:30 pm



Metro Studio Theatre
1411 Quadra Street,
Victoria, BC
Phone: (250) 383-2663

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Intrepid Theatre is located on the lands of the Lekwungen People, now known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. We give our thanks and respect to the stewards of these lands, and to elders, past, present and future.