Local Early Bird Lottery Draw
2020 Victoria FringeShowtimes
Join us at the Intrepid Theatre Club for a Fringe Lottery Party as we pull the 10 local early bird lottery spots for the 2020 Victoria Fringe Festival! The draw will take place at 6pm, and doors will open at 5:30pm. We will post the results online after the draw.
Here’s how the local early bird lottery works:
10 spots are reserved for Victoria-resident shows only, to be drawn at an early bird lottery party at the Intrepid Theatre Club at 6pm on Monday December 9, 2019. To apply, complete the online application by 5pm, Friday December 6, 2019. If you don’t get an early bird slot, your application will go into the regular lottery in January.
Get more info & apply here: https://intrepidtheatre.com/festivals/fringe-festival/apply/
Intrepid Theatre Club
2-1609 Blanshard Street,
Victoria, BC V8W 2J5
Phone: (250) 383-2663