Invest In Live Theatre —
Be a part of the Intrepid Theatre family.
Donor Benefits & Recognition

2022/23 Update
Due to the impacts of COVID-19, donor perks and invites will adapt as required. Thanks for your support and we are sorry for this change. We will continue to provide exclusive perks, invites and Behind-The-Scenes events as we are able, including artist talks and a Fringe Preview screening.
By making a donation to Intrepid Theatre, you are part of an amazing community of donors made up of adventurous theatre-goers, and community-minded individuals who are committed to keeping cutting edge, contemporary theatre at the centre of the city’s arts scene.
We love saying THANK YOU to our donors and have rolled out new donor levels with prestige perks, but donations of any size are welcome.
Cheque: Please make cheques payable to Intrepid Theatre
Online: Make a one-time or monthly donation HERE
By Phone: 250.383.2663
By Mail or In Person:
Intrepid Theatre
#2 – 1609 Blanshard Street
Victoria BC V8W 2J5
Patron Levels & Perks
Friend ($25 – 149)
Donors at the Friend Level receive the following benefits:
Charitable tax receipt
Invitation to the AGM of Intrepid Theatre Company Society and voting privileges
Subscription to Intrepid Insider e-mail newsletter
Recognition in the Fringe Program Guide and lobby signage at the Intrepid Theatre Club and Metro Studio
Advance purchasing opportunity for Frequent Fringer Passes
Exclusive Discount Rate for UNO Fest 5-Show Pass
Fearless Supporter ($150-$499)
Receive all of the above plus:
Two tickets to the Incoming Fest opening performance
Invitation to Curator Talk at Incoming Fest and OUTstages
Two tickets to the Fringe Festival Artist & VIP Reception
Adventurous Advocate ($500 – 999)
Receive all of the above plus:
Invitation for two to a selected VIP reception
Bold Benefactor ($1,000 – 2,499)
Receive all of the above plus:
Two tickets to a performance of your choice at Incoming Fest or OUTstages
Heroic Philanthropist ($2,500 +)
Receive all of the above plus:
Invitation for two to lunch with Artistic Director Sean Guist
Intrepid Forever – Legacy Giving
Leaving a gift in your will or estate to Intrepid Theatre Company Society is a meaningful and impactful way to ensure that Intrepid Theatre remains a hotspot for experimental contemporary theatre and innovative theatre-makers. For questions or will wording, please email
Through our festivals and presentations, we strive to bring together communities, showcase bold artists, ensure a healthy independent theatre community in Victoria and maybe change your life (a little or a lot) with the work you see on our stages.