How Do Sliding Scale Fees Work?

Participating companies in the 2021 Victoria Fringe pay a sliding scale fee of $450 / $350 / $250, GST included, due March 19, 2021. The sliding scale is in place as a special one-off measure during the pandemic so that companies in a wide spectrum of financial situations can participate in the Fringe for 2021, with the lower subsidized end of the sliding scale making it as accessible as possible. We realise you may be facing increased costs to produce a Fringe show and/or may be facing challenges due to the pandemic, so we encourage you to choose fee that works best for you, no questions asked. If money is a barrier for you currently and you are facing increased costs to participate in Fringe, pay at the low end. If you can afford the middle or regular price options, feel free to select the fee that fits your financial situation. For reference, the ‘full price’ Fringe fee in a regular year for 5 performances would be $570.

NOTE: Thank you for the feedback on sliding scale fees from the Artist Town Hall. We appreciate you being open to trying new ways of doing things and that this is a departure from the single set fee of $620. We have adjusted the top end of the scale to reflect a reduced fee for all artists this year, in recognition of the additional costs to artists in the current climate, while trying to ensure Intrepid Theatre can meet a small portion of its increased costs for Fringe. Together, we can work towards making the Fringe accessible and inclusive, and we thank you for engaging with the fee structure with an open heart and mind.

For additional reference, we’re sharing a helpful explanation of one approach to sliding scale fees below. This was shared by former Fringe venue and community health clinic Heart & Hands.

™ FRINGE and FRINGE FESTIVAL are registered trademarks of the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals

Intrepid Theatre is located on the lands of the Lekwungen People, now known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. We give our thanks and respect to the stewards of these lands, and to elders, past, present and future.