Jeff is an actor who has been touring across Canada for several years looking to settle in one spot for a while. He takes a job with Provincial Social Services as a caretaker/manager of THE BROAD STREET RESIDENCES. It’s a half-way house for the socially challenged as well as those who need short term accommodation as they transition from street life to whatever the next stage might be for them. It seems the perfect job with flexible time to rehearse and prepare auditions, and then he meets the “clients”. The red-neck survivalist recovering from a broken leg who has been living in the wild and training for the next “end of days”; the Shopping Cart Lady who collects bottles and cast-offs while maintaining her own war with the local Safeway; the pot-infused woman in room 3 who lives in a constant state of paranoid, sensual, self-awareness; and the teenage stowaway who is escaping a sexually abusive situation. Each has their own story that weaves in and out of Jeff’s new life as he learns what it means to be part of a street level community as it expresses it’s anger and frustration in a very unique way in their great “BROAD STREET UPRISING”.
TEMPTING NIGHTS” …stories from The Decameron
“DREAMS OF A VAMPIRE”… a variety of Vampire stories
“DARKSIDE CABARET”… A musical adventure in a mysterious nightclub.
“THANK YOU MY LOVE, GOODBYE”… award winning tale of lost love reclaimed.
With Jeff Leard:
“SPERM WARS” …an inside tale of conception and contraception
“THE SHOW MUST GO ON” …life in a touring children’s company
“FALSE PROFITS”… how the money people control the world.
“ZACH ZULTANA”…a space odyssey on a planetary mining colony
Please note, this show contains strobe lighting.
Creative Team
Writer/Director: Jim Leard
Danny Saretsky
Peter Gatt
Stephie Bright
Marissa McClymont
Alexa Ste. Marie
Metro Studio Theatre
1411 Quadra Street,
Victoria, BC
Phone: (250) 383-2663