Carey, OK! Volume 1: Timeless Timely Tunes
Chip Pop Productions
Created in Vietnam, Carey, OK! is a mash-up of monologues and music. Mixing beatboxing, rap-singing, and Ian McKellen, this is a must-see musical experience! Starring Carey Wass, from the original cast of Ride the Cyclone, this is the first volume of timeless timely tunes that’ll leave you singing. “Performance-wise, Carey Wass blew my mind a little bit.”– Plank Magazine
About the artist/company
A Canadian who is returning from living in Vietnam, Carey, OK! mixes high energy beatboxing, rap-singing, and vocal effects to create a must-see musical experience! Created by Carey Wass, who is an OG cast member of Atomic Vaudeville’s Ride the Cyclone, is thrilled to share his first volume of timeless timely tunes that’ll leave you singing for days.
Cast: Carey Wass- Carey, OK!
Production Design: Tina Hoang
Costume Design: The Wonderful Women of Nam Silk, HCMC, Vietnam
Downtown Community Centre (Fringe Venue 2)
755 Pandora,
Victoria, BC V8W 1N9
Phone: (250) 383-2663