how to pull your heart out through your throat
Impulse Theatre
In a dark vat, three creatures steeped in tar struggle to create themselves. Does their need for validation keep them from being seen? A collision of theatre, dance, poetry (and more!), Impulse Theatre’s magically visceral “how-to” guide will leave you asking: What does my heart really want to say?
This venue is NOT wheelchair accessible.
About the artist/company
Impulse Theatre has been creating and producing work in Victoria since 2010. Premiering more than fifteen new works since the company’s inception, Impulse has become a vital and prolific contemporary voice in Victoria’s theatre community. They have produced new works on their own and been presented by such companies as Theatre SKAM’s SKAMpede, the Belfry Theatre’s SPARK Festival, and Upintheair’s rEvolver Theatre Festival in Vancouver. In 2016, they presented the world premiere of their new solo show ana at Intrepid Theatre’s Uno Fest after a final workshop in Toronto at the nationally acclaimed Videofag. When they’re not busy expanding their roster of shows, Impulse Theatre presents the Peek-Show as a regular series, as well as an expanded Peek Fest.
Director: Andrew Barrett
Performers: Chase Hiebert, Julie Mombourquette, and Rachel Levy Stage Manager: Veronica Harland Lighting Designer: Emma Dickerson |
Important Fringe Information:
- You must have a Fringe Button to see this show
- 50% of tickets are available at the door one hour prior to show time
- Advance tickets sales end 3 hours before showtime
- All advance tickets have a $1.50 Fringe service charge, this charge helps support the festival
- There are no Fringe service charges for at door tickets
- No refunds. No exchanges. No latecomers. All shows start on time.
Langham Court Theatre (Fringe Venue 5)
805 Langham Court,
Victoria, BC V8V 4J3
Phone: (250) 383-2663