Play Reading: Dissection of a…Mixed Heritage Woman

Play Reading: Dissection of a...Mixed Heritage Woman
YOU Show
  • Dates: Jul 24, 2019
  • Location: Intrepid Theatre Club
  • Created: Nyla Carpentier
  • Performed: Nyla Carpentier
  • Advance price: n/a
  • Door price: Free/donations accepted at door
  • Duration: 60 mins
  • Rating: PG12+ Extremely Coarse Language, Adult Themes
  • Genre: Heartfelt, Poetic, Solo Show
  • Country: Vancouver, BC


07:00 pm


A reading Nyla Carpentier’s new play Dissection of a Indian Aboriginal First Nation Indigenous Native Status Full-Blood Non-Status Halfbreed Métis Rez Urban Mixed Heritage Woman.

Which part belongs to who? Told through family and personal stories, poetry, dance and a bit of song. One woman tries to find out who she is and where her mixed heritage is pulling her. Unraveling and weaving together her experiences to figure out how to fit within society and not set it on fire. 

A reading of this work in progress by Nyla Carpentier, who is bringing her new show to the Victoria Fringe Festival in August. This show is part of Intrepid Theatre’s YOU Show for emerging artists creating new works in development and the Fringe Indigenous Artist Program.


07:00 pm



Intrepid Theatre Club
2-1609 Blanshard Street,
Victoria, BC V8W 2J5
Phone: (250) 383-2663

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Intrepid Theatre is located on the lands of the Lekwungen People, now known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. We give our thanks and respect to the stewards of these lands, and to elders, past, present and future.