St Michaels Music Theatre Summer Intensive
Multiple Tony award winning Broadway musical Pippin tells the story of one young man’s music-filled quest to find the extraordinary at war, in love and via other such conquests and adventures, only to discover that true happiness is found in those unextraordinary moments of life. This production celebrates the 20th anniversary of this youth Musical Theatre company. Family friendly. Theatre is air-conditioned/wheelchair accessible. smus.ca
DIRECTIONS & AUDIENCE ADVICE: St. Michaels University School Copeland Theatre, 3400 Richmond Rd (corner of Richmond Rd and McRae Ave). SMUS is a 10-minute drive from downtown and is easily accessible by public transit (from downtown, use #14 UVic bus).
This venue is wheelchair accessible. The Sat Aug 31, 2pm performance is a Relaxed Performance.
About the artist/company
Performed by students in the SMUS Summer Musical Theatre Summer Intensive.
Important Fringe Information:
- You must have a Fringe Button to see this show
- 50% of tickets are available at the door one hour prior to show time
- Advance tickets sales end 3 hours before showtime
- All advance tickets have a $1.50 Fringe service charge, this charge helps support the festival
- There are no Fringe service charges for at door tickets
- No refunds. No exchanges. No latecomers. All shows start on time.
St. Michaels University School (Fringe Site A)
3400 Richmond Road,
Phone: (250) 383-2663