J McLaughlinShowtimes
Originally commissioned by Intrepid Theatre for the 20th Anniversary UNO Fest in 2017, you can now view a recording of the show as part of UNO Fest Online Week 1.
Time is running out. One last kick at the can. No more pulled punches. No more broken promises. This time I mean it.
THIS TIME I MEAN IT, written expressively for UNO 2017, is the fourth & final transmission of a trilogy that includes NEVER AGAIN (2010), NOW MORE THAN EVER (2007), J. MCLAUGHLIN’S APOCALYPSE (2006), & EVERYTHING IS SICK AND WRONG (2005).
THIS TIME I MEAN IT documents McLaughlin’s attempts to comprehend/transcend anxiety, contentment, dark thoughts, violent fantasies, death, enlightenment, outer space, inner peace, paranoia, guilt, greed, pleasure, failure & other people.
Four out of five dysfunctional robots agree: “J. McLaughlin’s desperate megalomania will make you feel better about your own problems.”
About the artist: “J. McLaughlin has the ability to make people laugh out loud. Okay, sometimes she gets a little creepy. But sometimes she blurts out some image so shocking and gorgeous it rewires your brain.” 2010, UNO Fest