Untitled Flamingo Play
Nathaniel Hanula-James
Moving, hilarious, incredibly intelligent, cute as hell, and exactly what I needed right now! – Audience Reaction, OutFest 2023
Hilarious, whimsical, and charming, Untitled Flamingo Play is a love letter to queer kids, and their right to be as fabulous as they flocking well please. On the first day of Grade 3, two outcast kiddoes receive an assignment—find a role model for the rest of your life! Can they find queer icons and express their authentic selves in the face of toxic masc bullies, femme-phobic grownups, and the sinister forces of heterocisnormativity? A foul- mouthed toy flamingo might hold the answer.
We acknowledge the support of Canada Council for the Arts. Untitled Flamingo Play first premiered at Talk is Free Theatre in 2022.
Sensory Warnings: None
Content warnings: Coarse language, adult themes
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Nathaniel Hanula-James — Writer/performer
Caitlin Farley — Stage manager
Jacob Margaret Archer — Dramaturg
Ryan Wilcox — Lighting/sound designer
Hannah Fisher — Costume/Props designer
Phoebe Hu 胡馨勻 — Movement and Puppetry Dramaturg/Choreographer
About the Artists
Nathaniel Hanula-James is a theatremaker who collaborates on new work as a dramaturg, playwright, administrator, and performer. In his writing practice, Nathaniel dedicates himself to crafting unabashedly queer worlds in which irreverent humour, caustic cynicism, and childlike wonder exist in constant conversation. Nathaniel’s play A Cloud of Ink in the Shape of Herself, commissioned by ZeeZee Theatre’s National Queer and Trans Playwriting Unit, follows an archivist who descends to the underworld in search of the queer Black history that consumes her research and her imagination. As a dramaturg, Nathaniel facilitates the Local Young Playwrights Unit at Tarragon Theatre, and worked alongside Brian Quirt and Gloria Mok at the dramaturgical company Nightswimming for three years. He is a staff writer at Intermission Magazine and is working with Dr. Karen Fricker to develop a new open-access course in equitable theatre criticism.
Jacob Margaret Archer is a non-binary playwright, poet and dramaturge born and raised on unceded Stó:lō territory (Chilliwack, BC). A 2019 graduate of the Playwriting program at the National Theatre School of Canada, their plays include Celestial Bodies (Geordie Theatre 2020-21), THINK OF THE CHILDREN (National Theatre School 2019), All I Want Is To Be Happy Sometimes (workshopped at John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts 2019), Such A Heart As Yours (Intrepid Theatre 2016), and Miss Somewhere (Theatre BC Mainstage Festival 2015). Their poetry has been published by post ghost press, Raspberry magazine, and Relish and Muster. They are an amateur guitar player, and an even more amateur choral arranger.
Hannah Rae Fisher is a Prairie storyteller, creator and designer whose work spans diverse performance mediums such as theatre, film and performance art. Hannah earned a BFA from Emily Carr University of Art and Design (2016) and graduated from the Costume and Design program at the National Theatre School of Canada (2019). She now works as a freelance artist in both English and French, with contracts ranging from costume patine for film, to performance looks for Drag Artists, to costume designs for professional and independent theatre groups, and puppet creation, among others.
Ryan Wilcox (they/them) is a neurodivergent, nonbinary theatre creator based in Kjipuktuk, colonially known as Halifax, Nova Scotia. Ryan is a graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada’s Production Design and Technical Arts Program where they trained as a theatre designer and manager. They are also learning what it means to be a settler on turtle island, and what settlers can do to work towards true reconciliation with our hearts and minds open. Ryan’s upcoming projects include a workshopped production of their play ‘i think i loved you (and it scares me)’ and producing a genderqueer production of Hosanna by Michel Tremblay.
Phoebe Hu 胡馨勻 is a multidisciplinary performer and a movement, language, and cultural consultant who works in Theatre, Film/TV and voiceover across Ontario. Born and raised in Taiwan, Phoebe is grateful to call Canada her “second home” that has nourished her with opportunities to continuously work with the rich and inspiring companies and artists it has to offer. Recent projects: Orphan Song (Tarragon Theatre), Wedding Seasons (Netflix). While not being an artist herself, Phoebe enjoys working as a certified budget coach for other self- employed artists as a way to support her community.
Caitlin is a graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada’s Theatre Production, Design, & Technical Arts program (2021). Since graduating she has had the privilege of working at companies such as Toronto Fringe Festival, Theatre Direct, Animacy Theatre Collective, Tarragon Theatre, and Encore Canada in various production and stage management roles.
Pay-What-You-Ten Tickets: 10% of tickets are available for $10, in an effort to make theatre more accessible to equity-seeking groups, newcomers, artists & arts workers, and anyone for whom cost is a barrier. We believe the arts have something to offer everyone and we want to reduce financial barriers to our programming. No registration, forms to fill out, or questions asked. Just select the PWY10 ticket when booking online.
Arrival at the venue: The doors will open 30 minutes ahead of showtime. Masks are strongly encouraged inside the theatre.
Refunds: If you are not feeling well or have any symptoms, please stay home to help keep everyone safe. We are able to discuss refunds on a case by case basis due to health reasons before the performance. Please contact tickets@intrepidtheatre.com. We are unable to arrange refunds after a performance has occurred.
Intrepid Studio
#2 - 1609 Blanshard Street,
Victoria, BC V8W 2J5
Phone: (250) 383-2663