Volunteer for UNO

Thank you to all of the volunteers who have supported UNO. We are seeking volunteers this year to assist at the Metro Studio with greeting patrons, ushering and with the bar and at Intrepid Studio for greeting. Volunteers get to see shows for free! (subject to availability). All bar volunteers must have serving it right. All volunteers are required to show proof of vaccination (vaccine card and ID) at the beginning of their first shift. All volunteers and staff are required to wear a mask.

All volunteers agree to observe our Safe(r) Spaces Policy to create and benefit from a welcoming and inclusive space at UNO.

Here are the shifts that are available. To sign up, click on the links below:

bliss (the birthday party show) – April 29+30, Metro Studio
Sansei: The Storyteller – May 5-7, Metro Studio
UNO Works – May 1, Metro Studio
Zach (she/her) – April 27 – 29, Intrepid Studio

52 Stories – April 30 – May 3, Intrepid Studio
Woman Caught Unaware – May 4-6, Intrepid Studio

Camas Artwork

™ FRINGE and FRINGE FESTIVAL are registered trademarks of the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals

Intrepid Theatre is located on the lands of the Lekwungen People, now known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. We give our thanks and respect to the stewards of these lands, and to elders, past, present and future.
Read our full Territory Acknowledgement & Resources.

Camas Artwork by ŦEȺLIE, Brianna Marie Dick